
Venture off the beaten path into a hidden paradise. Discover serene beaches and lush greenery, where peace and beauty await in nature’s quiet embrace.

Directions to Serendipity from Todos Santos

 The drive from town to Serendipity is an easy 5-10 minute drive on paved road.  A few details have been added to give you “markers” as you go but it is not complicated. 

Entering Todos Santos:  If you enter from Cabo, you will proceed down the main street to the end and turn right onto Calle Juarez.  Proceed up the hill past the Hotel California (on the left) to the 2nd stop sign at the top of the hill. If you enter from La Paz, you will enter on Calle Juarez and go to the 2nd stop sign.  This is a three way stop – the street is  Calle Topete.   

To Serendipity: Turn down Calle Topete and continue on the paved road to a stop sign.  At this stop sign, you will turn left on Horizonte and continue on the pavement for about 1.5 km.  Serendipity is located in the area called “Las Tunas”….the road you will take is to La Pastora. There will be a few green “Serendipity” signs on posts on the right side along the way.  You will pass the following landmarks: 

  • An apartment building on the left; a school and then Mercado Pinos on the right
  • The paved road will curve to the right….stay on the pavement
  • A Tortilleria and hardware store on the left
  • Mercado El Sol on the left and a Quaker State on the right
  • A row of small resturants on the left: Poco Loco, 5 Tacos & a Beer, Bavaria German Beer Garden, and Landi’s. There will be two speed bumps in this area.

At the top of the next hill you will see a large house on the right with a high rock wall around it. Just past this house, there is a telephone pole with a Luna Azul and small Serendipity sign. Directly across from the telephone pole is a very small road on the left with a blue and white sign that says “Camino del Cielo” – it is hidden by a high concrete wall, so look carefully.  Turn left here. You are now off the pavement.  Go down this road past a couple of buildings,  go slightly left at the palm trees (Las Brisas del Pacifico) and pass Villa Cantamar road on the right.  At the bottom of the hill, you will see a bluish house on the left corner and construction on the right, and a post with wooden road signs that say Calle Las Liebres and Serendipity. Turn right here, go about a block to a large metal gate and small entrance sign that says “Serendipity”.…that’s us!  You will see a 2-story building with Palapa roof on the top of the hill. We have an electric gate, so you will have to push the green “Open” button on the left gate pillar to enter.  The gates will automatically close after you pass through.  It will take a minute so just proceed through the gate and up the little hill to our front parking area.  Our 2 dogs may come running out barking (they are our doorbell), but they are harmless.  If you don’t see anyone around when you come through the front entrance, just loudly ring the bell to the right of the tall front door or call the main number.

Our number is 612-178-0104 or 612-108-3502 (cell).  You may need to dial 011-52 first if you are dialing from a U.S. or Canadian number.  

Note:  If you are arriving after dark, then much of this may be more difficult to see.  It may be better to call us from town and we can help guide you out.  It also helps if you let us know your approximate arrival time so we can watch for you.  

Buen Viaje! We look forward to welcoming you here.

Serendipity Staff